How To Attract The Wellness Based Patient Online


Dr. Dane Donohue
Damian Tenuta
CEO, 8 Weeks to Wellness
CEO, Contente

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1. How to take patients from what they want (to overcome symptoms) to what they NEED (to improve overall wellness).

2. How to run an intentional practice: control the 'who' of your practice with the 'what' of your messaging.

3. How to emulate the proven system that docs like you are already using to attract wellness patients online.

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About The Training

Doc, are you putting bandaids on your patients' symptoms or helping to solve their root problems?

Every DC we've met started with a desire to help people.

Unfortunately, it's not always obvious when you aren't...

That's because just about every chiropractic patient starts their journey due to a symptom—most often pain.

Thus, you're helping people overcome symptoms.

But is that your job?  To help people overcome symptoms?

No—that's the job description of prescriptions, pills, and powders.

Your role in society is to be a beacon of wellness.

But here's the problem:

😩 People always know they're in pain...

🥴 Rarely will people internally recognize when they're unaligned and unwell

So they're not looking for you as a beacon 🚨

But fear not—you have a siren!

To sound it, all you have to do is show them and tell them, Doc 🤯

That may be a paradigm shift for you.

It was for Dr. Dane Donohue—founder of 8 Weeks to Wellness—clinic owner & champion Contente customer.

But that was many years ago in '01 when he transitioned his chiropractic clinic to a functional wellness model.

And it was the best paradigm shift that he could have asked for...

In 3 years, his practice went from $850K collections (close to 80% insurance) to over $2M (under 50% insurance).

Better yet, he was spending fewer hours inside the clinic.

Best of all, his patients were sticking around longer...

That meant he was able to measure and communicate the insane improvements in wellness his patients were seeing.

What started all of this for Dr. Dane?

He had one really intentional day.

He drew a line in the sand and said I'm going to change how this practice operates.

He's had a lot of practice since then and achieved a lot of amazing patient results.

My goal is for you to emulate Dr. Dane and others' success.

I want Thursday to be your day, Doc.

The day you started being more intentional about running the practice you want to run...

The day you started being intentional about the message you're sending your audience...

The day you started following a proven process that other docs are already finding success with...

So, I had to pull some strings to make this happen.

Typically, Dr. Dane isn't available for one-offs, but he's been gracious enough to free up some time for me.

And I convinced him to make the session FREE 😀

Unfortunately, that means that we have ONLY ONE EVENT scheduled for this training with 25 seats in the live room.

But, it's on the books!!

Dr. Dane and I are hopping on LIVE at 1 PM EST on July 7th to tell you exactly what you should do in order to maximize your odds of success.

We'll reveal the proven system that docs like you are currently using to attract and convert wellness-based patients from online with minimal work and maximum results.

Our knowledge isn't always free, but it will be at the webinar!

📅 WHEN 📅

July 7th at 1 PM EST


Don't put this off—register TODAY before the 25 seats are filled!!

Click to register ASAP ⚡️🏃🏻💨💨

See you all next Thursday!

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