100 New Patients from One Video


Dr. Nona Djavid
Damian Tenuta
ChiroFest Speaker, Founder of Part-Time Million Dollar Cash Practice
CEO, Contente & Head of Social Media @ PTMDCP

Choose a Time Below


👉 How to get the best ideas for content that's working right now.

👉 How to film one video in 5 minutes without a videographer that will last for months.

👉 How to publish your video without spending hours learning social media.

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About The Training

Doc, heard of the 'Two Comma Club'?

Here at Contente, we have something we call the 'Centennial Content Club'.

It's an exclusive club of DCs who've brought in over 100 new patients from Social Media using Contente.

We've had 38 clinics join this club to date... many from a single video posted online with Contente.

Altogether, our docs have confirmed 14,234 new patients from their content on Contente–and counting.

Yes, Contente has 14,234 patients linked to a specific asset, offer, and demographic...

All of which a Doc like you has reported a conversion on ranging from $27 to $10K+...

So I've built up some solid intuition backed by data on what drives our Docs' success.

To share these secrets, I've set aside a few hours this week just to teach!

And it's not just me...

I'm bringing one of the best minds in Chiropractic with me–the founder of Part-Time Million Dollar Cash Practice–Dr. Nona Djavid!!

And–of course–these sessions will be free to attend!

Dr. Nona and I have packed schedules, and seats are limited at each webinar to ensure we maximize the value we provide.

You don't want to miss this! Fill out the form to reserve your seat TODAY!

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