Wake Up Humans

Helping people across the globe Wake Up to their innate potential by sharing the power of your Atlas. We hope to impact the world by connecting you to your passion and purpose.

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The Fundamental Truths of Human Health

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

Truth #1: Health is your body’s ability to perform.  

Our modern concept of health care is heavily rooted in treatment. Not the treatment of people, unfortunately, but the treatment of disease. A better word for this model would be “sick-care.”  

In this multiple-diagnoses, multiple-prescriptions world, many of us have lost sight of what it means to be healthy, but it’s not complicated. If you are performing at 100 percent of your body’s potential, you are healthy, and there’s absolutely no reason any symptom should present itself in your body.  

Most of us intuitively understand that, but we don’t always think about it that way.  

Truth #2: When performance suffers, symptoms appear.  

When the body’s performance starts to reduce to lower than 100 percent, you start to notice that something is wrong. You don’t feel right. Symptoms start to present themselves.  

When symptoms get bad enough, you start looking for help. A medical doctor might even diagnose you with a disease or disorder, and you can’t help but wonder where this problem came from. How did this happen?  

Truth #3: When symptoms present themselves, it is the body’s way of communicating an underlying problem.  

Let’s turn back the clock. Did you always feel this way, or did it come about suddenly? Or was it a gradual process? Problems don’t just spontaneously manifest within the body for no reason, yet that is often exactly how we think about health problems—they “just happen.” False!  

There is a cause and effect for everything that happens in your body. Whatever your symptoms are, there is a reason you feel the way you feel.  

The philosophy of chiropractic is to take care of the whole person, not just their symptoms.  


The mission is to restore the person to a state of normalcy so that the body can heal itself, reconnect, and function at a higher level.  






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Prepare to Be Healed


Your body can heal itself.  

Pause for a second. Reread those words and let the awesome truth of that statement sink in. Think about how amazing that is.  

Your body can heal itself. That is incredible.  

It shouldn't really be a shocking concept. We all inherently know the human body heals itself. But for some reason, we like to convince ourselves that medicine does the healing, not the body.  

The truth is medicine doesn't heal you. In fact, 100 percent of healing is done within the body using its own power.  

You currently contain all the mechanisms that will ever be needed to heal yourself of anything.  

The problem is, certain interferences sometimes disrupt these processes, which leads to reduced health in the body.  

This innate nature of healing is the core philosophy of chiropractic.  

Our goal is to get the body to ADAPT on its own.  




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How's Your Atlas?

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

I have often said we could change the entire world if people understood one simple question: "HOW'S YOUR ATLAS?"  

If your atlas is clear, and if you take certain action steps and believe in yourself and the power that made you, _anything _in life is possible.  

I know it sounds cliché to say "anything is possible," but that's only because the awesome truth of that statement has been diluted by halfhearted repetition.  

If you can learn to live clear and look within, the right answers will come to you. You are equipped for that - we're all equipped for that.  

It's just a natural law.  

Most people do not know that chiropractic care has the potential to wake up humans and restore the body's innate healing power.  

True chiropractic is based on the central nervous system and a little bone called THE ATLAS.  

It's my mission to spread this amazing truth to as many people as possible.  





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The two most important bones in your body

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

Do you remember Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman?  

His career was brought to a tragic end after a neck injury that caused complex fractures to his first and second cervical vertebrae (the atlas and the axis).  

This devastating accident resulted in paralysis from the neck down - a complete and total disruption of communication between the nerves and the body.  

This is precisely why the brain stem is so important.  


It is also why the atlas and the axis are, hands down, the most important bones in your body.  

The basic principles of chiropractic is that there are lesser degrees of spinal injuries not as immediate or as instantly severe as a total disruption of communication.  

These injuries are sometimes so small that they go unnoticed.  

We find out exactly where there's a misalignment and we gently move the vertebra back into its proper place.  

What I've just described is called a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT.  







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The Chiropractic Adjustment and Living Clear

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

The muscles surrounding your vertebrae naturally compensate for misalignments in the spine, it can take several chiropractic adjustments to get an adjustment to “hold.”


This is why chiropractors often tell their patients to come back next week. Here’s some friendly advice: Listen to your chiropractor’s advice.

Even if you feel better after just one adjustment—even if your neck pain seems like it went away—go back for that next appointment. Trust me. Your chiropractor is not trying to get you to come back just to increase his or her business!

We are doctors. We are charged with taking care of you, and we take that responsibility seriously; we’re trying to get you to come back for your own good.

People who are under regular chiropractic care get checked consistently for misalignments. They are adjusted only when necessary and are examined regularly to determine how well and how long their bodies are holding an adjustment.

Get checked for a misalignment today.

When your body can effectively hold an adjustment and you’re getting checked for misalignments—correcting them before they become a problem—we call that living clear.

That’s when the upper cervical spine is clear of interference, and the nervous system is free of pressure.

When that happens, your body is able to heal itself.

Start your journey to living clear.


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Your Chiropractor's Real Job

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

The job of the chiropractor has been miscommunicated thanks to years of unclear or flat-out inaccurate messages. People think our job is to relieve neck and/or back pain.  

Here’s the truth: The chiropractor’s job is to take care of your central nervous system.  

Other than the brain itself, there’s nothing more important than your central nervous system.  

If your digestive system starts shutting down, you get heartburn, stomach cramps, indigestion, things like that. If your circulatory system starts shutting down, you get numbness, tingling, fatigue, changes in body temperature, etc.  

But your nervous system controls everything. When that shuts down, everything else stops, too. You’re dead. End of story.  

Sometimes, vertebrae move out of alignment and stay that way. This can result in back or neck pain. This is when most people come to see a chiropractor for the first time.  


Back and neck pain are symptoms, and as we’ve learned, symptoms are simply manifestations of underlying problems—your body’s warning system.  

Meanwhile, if a vertebra is misaligned enough to cause outward symptoms, what’s going on within the spinal cord?  

If a vertebra is out of alignment, it can put pressure on the spinal cord, kind of like a kink in a garden hose. Imagine if your atlas and/or axis are out of alignment. Now, it’s not just your spinal cord feeling the pressure; it’s your brain itself!  

It has been proven that pressure on the spinal cord disrupts the function of nerves.  

In spite of all this, very few people realize the importance of nervous system health, which is kind of strange, when you think about it. And even though your vertebrae are the nervous system’s only line of defense, hardly anybody talks about spinal health.  

In today’s world, most people worry more about their colon than their brain stem. Hell, we learn more about taking care of our teeth as kids than we do about taking care of our nervous systems or our spines.  

But guess what: You can live without your teeth! Most of us neglect the health of our nervous systems our entire lives, then wake up at forty or fifty years old and wonder why we’re falling apart. But hey, at least our teeth look nice, right?  






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Why we're falling apart at forty years old

Hi [[leadFirstName]]  

Most of us neglect the health of our nervous systems our entire lives, then wake up at forty or fifty years old and wonder why we’re falling apart.  

If I were to distill the philosophy of chiropractic in this book down to a few key points, it would be as follows:  

- Your body is powerful from within.  
- There is no chemical, physical, or emotional stress that your body cannot heal on its own.  
- There is universal intelligence in all matter.  
- Universal intelligence governs all matter and gives it all its properties and actions to maintain its existence.  
- That intelligence flows through your central nervous system.  
- Your nervous system travels from your brain to your body through your spine.  
- The vertebrae in your spine sometimes become turned, tilted, or misaligned.  
- When one or more vertebrae in your spine become misaligned, it can interfere with the function your nervous system.  
- When there is interference in your nervous system, less than 100 percent of the messages from your brain will reach your body.  
- When your body receives less than 100 percent of your brain’s messages, it cannot function as intended; it cannot heal itself.  
- When you are clear of interference, 100 percent of your brain’s messages reach your body.   
- When your brain’s messages reach your body, your body can heal.   

If all you are interested in is treating symptoms, I guarantee modern medicine has a drug for it.  


There are pills to wake up, and pills to fall asleep. Pills to numb your headache—just to get it back again later. Pills to lose the weight—just to gain it back next week. Pills to lower your blood pressure—just to see it rise again. And, of course, pills to fix the side effects of all the pills you’re taking.  

The philosophy of chiropractic is to take care of the whole person, not just their symptoms. The mission is to restore the person to a state of normalcy so that the body can heal itself, reconnect, and function at a higher level.  

The chiropractic principle is about clearing out nervous system interference. When your nervous system is clear, life is amazing.  






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Wake Up Humans

Helping people across the globe Wake Up to their innate potential by sharing the power of your Atlas. We hope to impact the world by connecting you to your passion and purpose.

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***Free Trial: Your first 5 patients are free, then just $47 per scheduled appointment. NO subscriptions or contracts. Cancel anytime.***


The Fundamental Truths of Human Health

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

Truth #1: Health is your body’s ability to perform.  

Our modern concept of health care is heavily rooted in treatment. Not the treatment of people, unfortunately, but the treatment of disease. A better word for this model would be “sick-care.”  

In this multiple-diagnoses, multiple-prescriptions world, many of us have lost sight of what it means to be healthy, but it’s not complicated. If you are performing at 100 percent of your body’s potential, you are healthy, and there’s absolutely no reason any symptom should present itself in your body.  

Most of us intuitively understand that, but we don’t always think about it that way.  

Truth #2: When performance suffers, symptoms appear.  

When the body’s performance starts to reduce to lower than 100 percent, you start to notice that something is wrong. You don’t feel right. Symptoms start to present themselves.  

When symptoms get bad enough, you start looking for help. A medical doctor might even diagnose you with a disease or disorder, and you can’t help but wonder where this problem came from. How did this happen?  

Truth #3: When symptoms present themselves, it is the body’s way of communicating an underlying problem.  

Let’s turn back the clock. Did you always feel this way, or did it come about suddenly? Or was it a gradual process? Problems don’t just spontaneously manifest within the body for no reason, yet that is often exactly how we think about health problems—they “just happen.” False!  

There is a cause and effect for everything that happens in your body. Whatever your symptoms are, there is a reason you feel the way you feel.  

The philosophy of chiropractic is to take care of the whole person, not just their symptoms.  


The mission is to restore the person to a state of normalcy so that the body can heal itself, reconnect, and function at a higher level.  






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Prepare to Be Healed


Your body can heal itself.  

Pause for a second. Reread those words and let the awesome truth of that statement sink in. Think about how amazing that is.  

Your body can heal itself. That is incredible.  

It shouldn't really be a shocking concept. We all inherently know the human body heals itself. But for some reason, we like to convince ourselves that medicine does the healing, not the body.  

The truth is medicine doesn't heal you. In fact, 100 percent of healing is done within the body using its own power.  

You currently contain all the mechanisms that will ever be needed to heal yourself of anything.  

The problem is, certain interferences sometimes disrupt these processes, which leads to reduced health in the body.  

This innate nature of healing is the core philosophy of chiropractic.  

Our goal is to get the body to ADAPT on its own.  




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How's Your Atlas?

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

I have often said we could change the entire world if people understood one simple question: "HOW'S YOUR ATLAS?"  

If your atlas is clear, and if you take certain action steps and believe in yourself and the power that made you, _anything _in life is possible.  

I know it sounds cliché to say "anything is possible," but that's only because the awesome truth of that statement has been diluted by halfhearted repetition.  

If you can learn to live clear and look within, the right answers will come to you. You are equipped for that - we're all equipped for that.  

It's just a natural law.  

Most people do not know that chiropractic care has the potential to wake up humans and restore the body's innate healing power.  

True chiropractic is based on the central nervous system and a little bone called THE ATLAS.  

It's my mission to spread this amazing truth to as many people as possible.  





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The two most important bones in your body

Hi [[leadFirstName]],  

Do you remember Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman?  

His career was brought to a tragic end after a neck injury that caused complex fractures to his first and second cervical vertebrae (the atlas and the axis).  

This devastating accident resulted in paralysis from the neck down - a complete and total disruption of communication between the nerves and the body.  

This is precisely why the brain stem is so important.  


It is also why the atlas and the axis are, hands down, the most important bones in your body.  

The basic principles of chiropractic is that there are lesser degrees of spinal injuries not as immediate or as instantly severe as a total disruption of communication.  

These injuries are sometimes so small that they go unnoticed.  

We find out exactly where there's a misalignment and we gently move the vertebra back into its proper place.  

What I've just described is called a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT.  







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The Chiropractic Adjustment and Living Clear

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

The muscles surrounding your vertebrae naturally compensate for misalignments in the spine, it can take several chiropractic adjustments to get an adjustment to “hold.”


This is why chiropractors often tell their patients to come back next week. Here’s some friendly advice: Listen to your chiropractor’s advice.

Even if you feel better after just one adjustment—even if your neck pain seems like it went away—go back for that next appointment. Trust me. Your chiropractor is not trying to get you to come back just to increase his or her business!

We are doctors. We are charged with taking care of you, and we take that responsibility seriously; we’re trying to get you to come back for your own good.

People who are under regular chiropractic care get checked consistently for misalignments. They are adjusted only when necessary and are examined regularly to determine how well and how long their bodies are holding an adjustment.

Get checked for a misalignment today.

When your body can effectively hold an adjustment and you’re getting checked for misalignments—correcting them before they become a problem—we call that living clear.

That’s when the upper cervical spine is clear of interference, and the nervous system is free of pressure.

When that happens, your body is able to heal itself.

Start your journey to living clear.


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