Gordon Chiropractic

A graduate of the University of Michigan and Life Chiropractic University, Dr. Daniel S. Gordon is a board certified Chiropractor who has been serving the West Bloomfield, Commerce, Waterford and White Lake area for the past 17 years.

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What is a Vertebral Misalignment?

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Have you ever seen an older person with a severe curve to their spine?

Do you think that happened all at once? No way.

That is what seventy or eighty years of cumulative vertebral misalignments look like. You are seeing a lifetime of tiny, barely perceptible vertebral movements that have gone untreated.


Every vertebra is separated from its neighbors by soft discs of cartilage that act as ligaments holding your spine together. Your vertebrae float on these discs in order to provide flexibility to your spine. In other words, they can move. And as a result, they can sometimes slip out of their proper alignment.

Vertebral misalignments happen all the time and for a variety of reasons—taking a hard fall as a kid, getting “whiplash” from a fender bender, or just sleeping on your neck wrong. You might feel a misalignment when it happens, but then again you might not. The muscles around the area might feel sore at first, but muscles by their very nature are meant to adapt to resistance. (That’s why weight training works to build muscle mass!)

After a little time has passed, the muscles around the injured area will compensate for the new, incorrect position of the vertebrae. The soreness will lessen. Soon, you might be led to believe that whatever was wrong with your neck/back must have resolved itself and everything’s fine . . . until the next tiny misalignment happens and things get much, much worse.

A misalignment anywhere along the spine can put pressure on the spinal cord and affect the nervous system, but when it happens in the upper cervical area of your spine, the area of the atlas and the axis, that is when things get critical.

When the atlas and axis shift out of alignment, they can actually torque the brain stem itself, which puts direct pressure on your brain, disrupting the flow of messages to your central nervous system and affecting your body in a multitude of ways.

This can cause issues as minor as localized pain or numbness in the extremities, or it can cause severe chemical imbalances, reduced organ function, and disease.

The critical question is, can this problem be corrected?

Yes. And it’s pretty simple. We find out exactly where there’s a misalignment, and we gently move the vertebra back into its proper place.

What I’ve just described is called a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT.


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Backpacks and Purses Can Throw Off Your Alignment

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

If you’re experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, your heavy shoulder bag might be the culprit.

Shoulder bags cause some of the same problems seen in children who carry their backpacks on one shoulder. We tend to lean to one side to offset the extra weight. Your muscles strain to compensate for the uneven load, which can lead to pain and spasm.


Wearing all that weight on your shoulder can throw off your natural gait and posture. Ultimately, you may end up with one shoulder higher than the other and an asymmetric load that can lead to spinal misalignment.

Here is a rule of thumb - don’t carry shoulder loads that are more than 10 percent of your body weight. Research conducted on children ages 8 to 11 examined the effects of various loads on a child’s posture: 10 percent of body weight, 15 percent, and 20 percent. The researchers concluded that schoolchildren should limit their backpack loads to less than 10 percent of their body weight. The same is true of backpacks and purses for adults.

My recommendation is to empty your purse of the unnecessary clutter that can weigh you down. The same with backpacks. Try to keep the load closest to your center of gravity. And if your children have to carry heavier loads for school, make sure to have them store their books in their school lockers or buy them a wheeled backpack.

To your health,

PS. If you're suffering from any aches and pains, we’ve got you covered. 
Until 5 pm on Wednesday, August 31st, you can get a consultation, exam, diagnosis, and recommendations for care at our office for ONLY $19! This is normally valued at over $300.
Here's how you can take advantage of this amazing opportunity. 
Be the first 9 people to submit this form and request an appointment.  
I'm having this special offer as a way to say THANK YOU for being a practice member. I know actions speak louder than words, so I wanted to show my sincere appreciation. 
Everyone deserves the chance to be healthy.
Submit this application and claim your gift bonuses before the limited spots we have are all gone!
PPS - This special offer ends at 5 pm on Wednesday, August 31st.  

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Gordon Chiropractic

A graduate of the University of Michigan and Life Chiropractic University, Dr. Daniel S. Gordon is a board certified Chiropractor who has been serving the West Bloomfield, Commerce, Waterford and White Lake area for the past 17 years.

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What is a Vertebral Misalignment?

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Have you ever seen an older person with a severe curve to their spine?

Do you think that happened all at once? No way.

That is what seventy or eighty years of cumulative vertebral misalignments look like. You are seeing a lifetime of tiny, barely perceptible vertebral movements that have gone untreated.


Every vertebra is separated from its neighbors by soft discs of cartilage that act as ligaments holding your spine together. Your vertebrae float on these discs in order to provide flexibility to your spine. In other words, they can move. And as a result, they can sometimes slip out of their proper alignment.

Vertebral misalignments happen all the time and for a variety of reasons—taking a hard fall as a kid, getting “whiplash” from a fender bender, or just sleeping on your neck wrong. You might feel a misalignment when it happens, but then again you might not. The muscles around the area might feel sore at first, but muscles by their very nature are meant to adapt to resistance. (That’s why weight training works to build muscle mass!)

After a little time has passed, the muscles around the injured area will compensate for the new, incorrect position of the vertebrae. The soreness will lessen. Soon, you might be led to believe that whatever was wrong with your neck/back must have resolved itself and everything’s fine . . . until the next tiny misalignment happens and things get much, much worse.

A misalignment anywhere along the spine can put pressure on the spinal cord and affect the nervous system, but when it happens in the upper cervical area of your spine, the area of the atlas and the axis, that is when things get critical.

When the atlas and axis shift out of alignment, they can actually torque the brain stem itself, which puts direct pressure on your brain, disrupting the flow of messages to your central nervous system and affecting your body in a multitude of ways.

This can cause issues as minor as localized pain or numbness in the extremities, or it can cause severe chemical imbalances, reduced organ function, and disease.

The critical question is, can this problem be corrected?

Yes. And it’s pretty simple. We find out exactly where there’s a misalignment, and we gently move the vertebra back into its proper place.

What I’ve just described is called a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT.


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Backpacks and Purses Can Throw Off Your Alignment

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

If you’re experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, your heavy shoulder bag might be the culprit.

Shoulder bags cause some of the same problems seen in children who carry their backpacks on one shoulder. We tend to lean to one side to offset the extra weight. Your muscles strain to compensate for the uneven load, which can lead to pain and spasm.


Wearing all that weight on your shoulder can throw off your natural gait and posture. Ultimately, you may end up with one shoulder higher than the other and an asymmetric load that can lead to spinal misalignment.

Here is a rule of thumb - don’t carry shoulder loads that are more than 10 percent of your body weight. Research conducted on children ages 8 to 11 examined the effects of various loads on a child’s posture: 10 percent of body weight, 15 percent, and 20 percent. The researchers concluded that schoolchildren should limit their backpack loads to less than 10 percent of their body weight. The same is true of backpacks and purses for adults.

My recommendation is to empty your purse of the unnecessary clutter that can weigh you down. The same with backpacks. Try to keep the load closest to your center of gravity. And if your children have to carry heavier loads for school, make sure to have them store their books in their school lockers or buy them a wheeled backpack.

To your health,

PS. If you're suffering from any aches and pains, we’ve got you covered. 
Until 5 pm on Wednesday, August 31st, you can get a consultation, exam, diagnosis, and recommendations for care at our office for ONLY $19! This is normally valued at over $300.
Here's how you can take advantage of this amazing opportunity. 
Be the first 9 people to submit this form and request an appointment.  
I'm having this special offer as a way to say THANK YOU for being a practice member. I know actions speak louder than words, so I wanted to show my sincere appreciation. 
Everyone deserves the chance to be healthy.
Submit this application and claim your gift bonuses before the limited spots we have are all gone!
PPS - This special offer ends at 5 pm on Wednesday, August 31st.  

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