Vidan Family Chiropractic

Team physician for the 2011 World Champs STL Cardinals! Dr. Vidan focuses care for TMJD, back pain, headaches, and so much more!

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[[leadFirstName]], "That sounds miserable..."

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Signs of TMJD Jaw pain can be anything from radiating pain from the jaw and the face into the neck and shoulder. We can have clenching, grinding, clicking popping. You may even have headaches and earaches.

"That sounds miserable," the news anchor said when I was on a recent "Show Me St. Louis" episode on NBC News... and it is!

Watch the full segment here.


Luckily, TMJ Dysfunction can be fixed when specific actions are taken. TMJ is the second largest musculoskeletal complaint behind low back pain.

When the jaw position, muscles for chewing, AND your cervical spine are ALL addressed you have the best chance to correct your TMJ Dysfunction problem.

Here at [[businessName]] we specialize in treating TMJ.

Click here to request an appointment today.

To your health,

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The two most important bones in your body

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Do you remember Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman?

His career was brought to a tragic end after a neck injury that caused complex fractures to his first and second cervical vertebrae (the atlas and the axis).

This devastating accident resulted in paralysis from the neck down - a complete and total disruption of communication between the nerves and the body.

This is precisely why the brain stem is so important.


It is also why the atlas and the axis are, hands down, the most important bones in your body.

The basic principle of chiropractic is that there are lesser degrees of spinal injuries not as immediate or as instantly severe as a total disruption of communication.

These injuries are sometimes so small that they go unnoticed.

We find out exactly where there's a misalignment and we gently move the vertebra back into its proper place.

What I've just described is called a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT.



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Get to the Bottom of Your Symptoms: The Unexpected Clues Your Body is Giving You

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

The medical model can have its limitations; it assumes that your organs are the root cause of your problems, and uses medicine to temporarily diminish symptoms, instead of looking for the underlying cause.

Chiropractic offers a different approach; instead of focusing on organs, it posits that a misalignment of vertebrae can put pressure on your nerves, leading to reduced nerve flow, and ultimately, reduced function.

This concept is incredibly simple: think of it as a ‘tree branch and power line’ analogy, where the subluxation is the fallen branch, and compromised nerve flow is the interrupted electrical power.


Sometimes we can get so caught up that we believe pain is the only option and that’s when we make a decision to just live with the pain. But it’s important to remember that reduced function doesn’t have to be the norm.

In fact, you were created to do more than just exist. You were created to live life to its fullest. The day you decide to take action and get back to the life that you were created for, is the day things can start to change.

It's my mission as a chiropractor to allow you to get back to living the life you were made for.


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Vidan Family Chiropractic

Team physician for the 2011 World Champs STL Cardinals! Dr. Vidan focuses care for TMJD, back pain, headaches, and so much more!

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✔️ Educate patients on topics that align with your practice

✔️ Free to send emails, only pay when patients schedule an appointment

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***Free Trial: Your first 5 patients are free, then just $47 per scheduled appointment. NO subscriptions or contracts. Cancel anytime.***


[[leadFirstName]], "That sounds miserable..."

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Signs of TMJD Jaw pain can be anything from radiating pain from the jaw and the face into the neck and shoulder. We can have clenching, grinding, clicking popping. You may even have headaches and earaches.

"That sounds miserable," the news anchor said when I was on a recent "Show Me St. Louis" episode on NBC News... and it is!

Watch the full segment here.


Luckily, TMJ Dysfunction can be fixed when specific actions are taken. TMJ is the second largest musculoskeletal complaint behind low back pain.

When the jaw position, muscles for chewing, AND your cervical spine are ALL addressed you have the best chance to correct your TMJ Dysfunction problem.

Here at [[businessName]] we specialize in treating TMJ.

Click here to request an appointment today.

To your health,

Review and Send

The two most important bones in your body

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Do you remember Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman?

His career was brought to a tragic end after a neck injury that caused complex fractures to his first and second cervical vertebrae (the atlas and the axis).

This devastating accident resulted in paralysis from the neck down - a complete and total disruption of communication between the nerves and the body.

This is precisely why the brain stem is so important.


It is also why the atlas and the axis are, hands down, the most important bones in your body.

The basic principle of chiropractic is that there are lesser degrees of spinal injuries not as immediate or as instantly severe as a total disruption of communication.

These injuries are sometimes so small that they go unnoticed.

We find out exactly where there's a misalignment and we gently move the vertebra back into its proper place.

What I've just described is called a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT.



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Get to the Bottom of Your Symptoms: The Unexpected Clues Your Body is Giving You

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

The medical model can have its limitations; it assumes that your organs are the root cause of your problems, and uses medicine to temporarily diminish symptoms, instead of looking for the underlying cause.

Chiropractic offers a different approach; instead of focusing on organs, it posits that a misalignment of vertebrae can put pressure on your nerves, leading to reduced nerve flow, and ultimately, reduced function.

This concept is incredibly simple: think of it as a ‘tree branch and power line’ analogy, where the subluxation is the fallen branch, and compromised nerve flow is the interrupted electrical power.


Sometimes we can get so caught up that we believe pain is the only option and that’s when we make a decision to just live with the pain. But it’s important to remember that reduced function doesn’t have to be the norm.

In fact, you were created to do more than just exist. You were created to live life to its fullest. The day you decide to take action and get back to the life that you were created for, is the day things can start to change.

It's my mission as a chiropractor to allow you to get back to living the life you were made for.


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