Rogue Spine Center

We are a Chiropractic office in Northwest Portland that specializes in Chiropractic Biophysics

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Boost Your Energy and Fight Fatigue with Corrective Chiropractic Care

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Are you constantly wondering why you're always tired and looking for ways to recharge your body? Many people experience unusually low energy levels, but that doesn't mean it's normal. While caffeine might provide temporary relief, corrective chiropractic care can offer a more sustainable solution for combating exhaustion and fatigue.

Exhaustion and fatigue can stem from a variety of factors, such as working excessively, inadequate sleep, consuming large amounts of caffeine, or being under constant stress. It's crucial to address these issues and explore ways to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Reducing stress can be achieved through various means, including high-quality sleep, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, and mental rest. By creating a supportive sleeping environment and adopting healthy bedtime habits, you can ensure your sleep is restful and restorative. Additionally, providing your body with essential nutrients and engaging in regular exercise can help maintain your overall well-being.

Once you've implemented these lifestyle changes, it's time to consider corrective chiropractic care to maximize the benefits of your balanced life. Despite following healthy practices, fatigue might still persist, and this is where chiropractic care can make a significant difference.


Corrective chiropractic care focuses on realigning the spine and joints, which are directly connected to the central nervous system. By doing so, chiropractors can help your body function optimally, alleviating symptoms such as exhaustion and brain fog.

Chiropractic care offers various benefits that can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Some of these benefits include spinal realignment, relieving pressure on nerves, loosening tense muscles, regulating the nervous system, increasing the strength of the body's structure, and improving circulation, oxygen levels, and immune system function.

If you're struggling with fatigue, exhaustion, or lethargy despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it might be time to give corrective chiropractic care a try.

By addressing the root cause of fatigue and promoting overall well-being, chiropractic care can significantly improve your quality of life.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss how corrective chiropractic care can help you.

To your health,






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Discover the Surprising Ways Corrective Chiropractic Can Transform Your Health

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

I wanted to share some exciting information about corrective chiropractic care with you! It's different from regular chiropractic care and can treat a wide variety of conditions. Let's dive in!

Chiropractic Care: More Than Just Back-Cracking

Chiropractic care takes care of your nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems, helping to keep everything balanced and working properly.

Spinal Adjustments: Fixing Misalignments

A chiropractor can adjust your joints, especially in your spine, to help your body get back to its natural state. This can improve your overall performance and relieve various issues caused by misaligned joints.

How Misalignment Affects Your Body

Misaligned joints can lead to headaches, digestive problems, and decreased body function. Corrective chiropractic adjustments can help fix these issues and make you feel better.


Spinal Traction: A Special Technique

Corrective chiropractors use spinal traction to help straighten your spine. This can fix problems like scoliosis and improve your body's structure and function.

Manual Manipulation: Healing Touch

Chiropractors can use their hands or special tools to treat your body directly. This can help relax muscles, shift joints, and balance your nervous system.

Conditions Corrective Chiropractic Can Help

  1. Back Pain: Chiropractic care can treat back pain, often without needing medication or surgery.

  2. Neck Pain: Chiropractic therapy can relieve neck pain by fixing imbalances in the spine.

  3. Digestive Problems: Chiropractic care can help with issues like constipation, acid reflux, and more.

  4. Headaches & Migraines: Chiropractic care can provide relief for headaches and migraines caused by misalignments in the spine.

  5. Scoliosis: Corrective chiropractic care can help treat scoliosis by realigning the spine.

  6. Forward Head Posture (Text Neck): Spending too much time hunched over devices can cause issues in the neck. Chiropractic care can help fix this problem.

I hope you found this information helpful! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

To your health,






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This ONE Thing Controls EVERYTHING in Your Body

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

The nerves in your body serve two purposes.

  1. Carrying messages from the brain to the body

  2. Relaying information to the brain back from the body

Anytime you do something simple—for example, picking up a pencil—your body is responding to a message from your brain. You think it, your nerves relay the message, and your hand does what your brain tells it to do.

When you feel the pencil between your fingers, that is function number two: your body sending sensory information back to your brain, and your brain decoding and interpreting the information.

Messages are being sent and received along the “power lines” of your central nervous system every instant of every day of your entire life. It isn’t just about interacting with the outside world.


Your brain is constantly sending messages to every part of your body. Telling your lungs to breathe. Telling your heart to beat. And telling your glands how to function.

If your glands are functioning at something less than 100 percent, we can conclude that your central nervous system is functioning at something less than 100 percent.

How does the central nervous system work? What might affect it? What protects it from stress and interference so it can do its job? Your vertebrae.

Your vertebrae in your spine protect the central nervous system.

CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS keep your vertebrae from interfering with your nerves and the messages they carry.

When your nerves are free from interference, they can carry messages back and forth from your brain. Then everything works properly.







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It takes "GUTS" to be healthy.

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

I have a good friend who is a genius when it comes to understanding nutrition, particularly why and how your GI system is critical to your overall health. In this email , we're talking about - "It takes guts to be healthy". I absolutely agree, gut health is probably close to nervous system health when it comes to a long and vibrant life.

In this email, I'm going to talk about HOW to have better gut health.

Remember, the 4 main causes of poor gut health are:

  1. Poor Diet - The most common components of food that can damage your intestinal lining are the proteins found in unsprouted grains (traditional grains), excess sugar, GMO’s and conventional dairy.

  2. Chronic Stress - Stress shuts down your digestion because digestion takes a tremendous amount of energy which can’t be spared when you are in “fight or flight”. This causes food to rot or spoil in your gut causing intestinal damage.

  3. Toxic Overload - We are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year, but the worst offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, tap water, aspirin, and NSAIDs. I recommend buying a high-quality water filter to eliminate chlorine and fluoride and look to natural plant-based herbs to reduce inflammation in your body.

  4. Dysbiosis - Probiotic Bacterial Imbalance. So many things can cause damage to the normal “flora” which helps us in so many ways. Things like antibiotic overuse, chlorinated water, a diet high in sugar and animal protein, sulfates as well as abuse or overuse of non-steroidal meds are the main ones.

The good news is there’s a solution to having better gut health. There is a four-step process called "The 4 R's" that includes:

  1. REMOVE - Foods and factors that damage the gut. These include sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners, antibiotics, steroid medications, dairy, soy, GMO foods, alcohol, and additives/preservatives.

  2. REPLACE - with healing foods like bone broth, fermented veggies, coconut products, sprouted seeds, grass-fed meats, wild fatty fish like salmon or cod, steamed veggies, and of course, high fiber foods like lots of veggies.

  3. REPAIR - with specific supplements like probiotics, pre-biotics such as fiber (soluble and insoluble), digestive enzymes, L-glutamine, oil of oregano, quercetin, and collagen powder. 2 of my favorite products to help repair the gut are Colonix intestinal cleaner and GI Integrity by Nutri-Dyn.

  4. REBALANCE - with probiotics. Look for brand quality meaning choose reputable companies, high CFU (colony-forming units), and survivability (probiotics should never be heated and should be shipped cold). Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus bulgaris are just a few strains that should be included in a good probiotic. The probiotic that I take is called Ultra-Biotic Daily by Nutri-Dyn.

If you suffer from inflammatory issues, auto-immune issues, depression, energy issues, sleep issues, and of course, GI issues, look to your gut, as it is most likely the core of your problem.

Remember, it takes "GUTS" to be healthy. Do you have what it takes?

Yours in Great Health,






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Decreased neck and mid back pain, improved energy, improved brain fog, decrease in headaches, improved function of upper and lower digestive system, heartburn, and so much more!

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It takes "GUTS" to be healthy.

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

I have a good friend and mentor who is a genius when it comes to understanding nutrition, particularly why and how your GI system is critical to your overall health. His name is Dr. Robert Silverman and he always says "It takes guts to be healthy". I absolutely agree, gut health is probably close to nervous system health when it comes to a long and vibrant life.

In my last email, I talked about WHY gut health is so important. In this email, I'm going to talk about HOW to have better gut health.

Remember, the 4 main causes of poor gut health are:

  1. Poor Diet - The most common components of food that can damage your intestinal lining are the proteins found in unsprouted grains (traditional grains), excess sugar, GMO’s and conventional dairy.

  2. Chronic Stress - Stress shuts down your digestion because digestion takes a tremendous amount of energy which can’t be spared when you are in “fight or flight”. This causes food to rot or spoil in your gut causing intestinal damage.

  3. Toxic Overload - We are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year, but the worst offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, tap water, aspirin, and NSAIDs. I recommend buying a high-quality water filter to eliminate chlorine and fluoride and look to natural plant-based herbs to reduce inflammation in your body.

  4. Dysbiosis - Probiotic Bacterial Imbalance. So many things can cause damage to the normal “flora” which helps us in so many ways. Things like antibiotic overuse, chlorinated water, a diet high in sugar and animal protein, sulfates as well as abuse or overuse of non-steroidal meds are the main ones.

The good news is there’s a solution to having better gut health. There is a four-step process called "The 4 R's" that includes:

  1. REMOVE - Foods and factors that damage the gut. These include sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners, antibiotics, steroid medications, dairy, soy, GMO foods, alcohol, and additives/preservatives.

  2. REPLACE - with healing foods like bone broth, fermented veggies, coconut products, sprouted seeds, grass-fed meats, wild fatty fish like salmon or cod, steamed veggies, and of course, high fiber foods like lots of veggies.

  3. REPAIR - with specific supplements like probiotics, pre-biotics such as fiber (soluble and insoluble), digestive enzymes, L-glutamine, oil of oregano, quercetin, and collagen powder. 2 of my favorite products to help repair the gut are Colonix intestinal cleaner and GI Integrity by Nutri-Dyn.

  4. REBALANCE - with probiotics. Look for brand quality meaning choose reputable companies, high CFU (colony-forming units), and survivability (probiotics should never be heated and should be shipped cold). Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus bulgaris are just a few strains that should be included in a good probiotic. The probiotic that I take is called Ultra-Biotic Daily by Nutri-Dyn.

If you suffer from inflammatory issues, auto-immune issues, depression, energy issues, sleep issues, and of course, GI issues, look to your gut, as it is most likely the core of your problem.

Remember, it takes "GUTS" to be healthy. Do you have what it takes?

Yours in Great Health,






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Experience the Benefits of Corrective Chiropractic Care

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Are you looking for an effective way to improve your overall health and wellbeing? Consider trying corrective chiropractic care! This innovative approach focuses on restoring the natural alignment of the spine and other joints, offering numerous benefits to your health.


In this email, we'll outline 10 ways corrective chiropractic care can revolutionize your life and get you back to optimal health.

  1. Boost Your Daily Energy Levels: Corrective chiropractic care can help reduce fatigue, improve alertness, and increase your energy levels, allowing you to remain focused and productive throughout the day.

  2. Enhance Your Focus: Corrective chiropractic care can improve your concentration levels by relieving tension in the neck and spine, making it easier for you to stay on task and complete tasks efficiently.

  3. Alleviate Migraines & Headaches: Regular chiropractic care can help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines and headaches by releasing pressure on nerves and restoring proper alignment in the spine.

  4. Promote Healthy Digestion: Chiropractic treatments can improve digestion by relieving tension in the stomach area and restoring proper function in its organs and muscles, reducing symptoms associated with various digestive disorders.

  5. Reduce or Eliminate Pain: Corrective chiropractic care is especially effective at reducing or eliminating chronic pain by focusing on restoring alignment throughout the entire body.

  6. Enhance Longevity & Possibly Extend Your Lifespan: Regular chiropractic care may lead to increased lifespan due to improved overall health, mobility, posture, reduced inflammation, and better circulation.

  7. Accelerate Recovery from Injuries & Accidents: Chiropractic treatments can promote proper blood flow, speeding up healing times for injuries and helping athletes recover faster from sports-related injuries.

  8. Improve Stress Resilience: Regular chiropractic care can help you better resist stress by increasing blood circulation, reducing pressure points in your body, and alleviating stress-related physical ailments.

  9. Strengthen Immune System Function: Chiropractic care can promote better immune system function by improving blood circulation, allowing for easier transportation of white blood cells throughout the body.

  10. Support for Athletes & Sedentary People Alike: Regardless of your lifestyle, corrective chiropractic care offers benefits for everyone by targeting all aspects of human anatomy, providing relief and support for both active athletes and sedentary individuals.

About Corrective Chiropractic Care

Corrective chiropractic care is designed to restore optimal joint alignment throughout your body for improved health outcomes, including increased energy levels, improved focus, reduced migraines, improved digestion, reduced/eliminated pain, extended longevity, faster injury recovery, stress resistance, enhanced immune system function, and support for both active athletes and sedentary individuals. If you're looking for a way to improve your overall health without surgery or harsh medications, it's time to experience corrective chiropractic care.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us.

To your health,






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Rogue Spine Center

We are a Chiropractic office in Northwest Portland that specializes in Chiropractic Biophysics

Subscribe to our newsletter
By subscribing, you agree with Contente’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and understand that Rogue Spine Center will receive your email address.

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***Free Trial: Your first 5 patients are free, then just $47 per scheduled appointment. NO subscriptions or contracts. Cancel anytime.***


Boost Your Energy and Fight Fatigue with Corrective Chiropractic Care

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Are you constantly wondering why you're always tired and looking for ways to recharge your body? Many people experience unusually low energy levels, but that doesn't mean it's normal. While caffeine might provide temporary relief, corrective chiropractic care can offer a more sustainable solution for combating exhaustion and fatigue.

Exhaustion and fatigue can stem from a variety of factors, such as working excessively, inadequate sleep, consuming large amounts of caffeine, or being under constant stress. It's crucial to address these issues and explore ways to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Reducing stress can be achieved through various means, including high-quality sleep, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, and mental rest. By creating a supportive sleeping environment and adopting healthy bedtime habits, you can ensure your sleep is restful and restorative. Additionally, providing your body with essential nutrients and engaging in regular exercise can help maintain your overall well-being.

Once you've implemented these lifestyle changes, it's time to consider corrective chiropractic care to maximize the benefits of your balanced life. Despite following healthy practices, fatigue might still persist, and this is where chiropractic care can make a significant difference.


Corrective chiropractic care focuses on realigning the spine and joints, which are directly connected to the central nervous system. By doing so, chiropractors can help your body function optimally, alleviating symptoms such as exhaustion and brain fog.

Chiropractic care offers various benefits that can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Some of these benefits include spinal realignment, relieving pressure on nerves, loosening tense muscles, regulating the nervous system, increasing the strength of the body's structure, and improving circulation, oxygen levels, and immune system function.

If you're struggling with fatigue, exhaustion, or lethargy despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it might be time to give corrective chiropractic care a try.

By addressing the root cause of fatigue and promoting overall well-being, chiropractic care can significantly improve your quality of life.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss how corrective chiropractic care can help you.

To your health,






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Discover the Surprising Ways Corrective Chiropractic Can Transform Your Health

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

I wanted to share some exciting information about corrective chiropractic care with you! It's different from regular chiropractic care and can treat a wide variety of conditions. Let's dive in!

Chiropractic Care: More Than Just Back-Cracking

Chiropractic care takes care of your nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems, helping to keep everything balanced and working properly.

Spinal Adjustments: Fixing Misalignments

A chiropractor can adjust your joints, especially in your spine, to help your body get back to its natural state. This can improve your overall performance and relieve various issues caused by misaligned joints.

How Misalignment Affects Your Body

Misaligned joints can lead to headaches, digestive problems, and decreased body function. Corrective chiropractic adjustments can help fix these issues and make you feel better.


Spinal Traction: A Special Technique

Corrective chiropractors use spinal traction to help straighten your spine. This can fix problems like scoliosis and improve your body's structure and function.

Manual Manipulation: Healing Touch

Chiropractors can use their hands or special tools to treat your body directly. This can help relax muscles, shift joints, and balance your nervous system.

Conditions Corrective Chiropractic Can Help

  1. Back Pain: Chiropractic care can treat back pain, often without needing medication or surgery.

  2. Neck Pain: Chiropractic therapy can relieve neck pain by fixing imbalances in the spine.

  3. Digestive Problems: Chiropractic care can help with issues like constipation, acid reflux, and more.

  4. Headaches & Migraines: Chiropractic care can provide relief for headaches and migraines caused by misalignments in the spine.

  5. Scoliosis: Corrective chiropractic care can help treat scoliosis by realigning the spine.

  6. Forward Head Posture (Text Neck): Spending too much time hunched over devices can cause issues in the neck. Chiropractic care can help fix this problem.

I hope you found this information helpful! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

To your health,






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This ONE Thing Controls EVERYTHING in Your Body

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

The nerves in your body serve two purposes.

  1. Carrying messages from the brain to the body

  2. Relaying information to the brain back from the body

Anytime you do something simple—for example, picking up a pencil—your body is responding to a message from your brain. You think it, your nerves relay the message, and your hand does what your brain tells it to do.

When you feel the pencil between your fingers, that is function number two: your body sending sensory information back to your brain, and your brain decoding and interpreting the information.

Messages are being sent and received along the “power lines” of your central nervous system every instant of every day of your entire life. It isn’t just about interacting with the outside world.


Your brain is constantly sending messages to every part of your body. Telling your lungs to breathe. Telling your heart to beat. And telling your glands how to function.

If your glands are functioning at something less than 100 percent, we can conclude that your central nervous system is functioning at something less than 100 percent.

How does the central nervous system work? What might affect it? What protects it from stress and interference so it can do its job? Your vertebrae.

Your vertebrae in your spine protect the central nervous system.

CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS keep your vertebrae from interfering with your nerves and the messages they carry.

When your nerves are free from interference, they can carry messages back and forth from your brain. Then everything works properly.







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It takes "GUTS" to be healthy.

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

I have a good friend who is a genius when it comes to understanding nutrition, particularly why and how your GI system is critical to your overall health. In this email , we're talking about - "It takes guts to be healthy". I absolutely agree, gut health is probably close to nervous system health when it comes to a long and vibrant life.

In this email, I'm going to talk about HOW to have better gut health.

Remember, the 4 main causes of poor gut health are:

  1. Poor Diet - The most common components of food that can damage your intestinal lining are the proteins found in unsprouted grains (traditional grains), excess sugar, GMO’s and conventional dairy.

  2. Chronic Stress - Stress shuts down your digestion because digestion takes a tremendous amount of energy which can’t be spared when you are in “fight or flight”. This causes food to rot or spoil in your gut causing intestinal damage.

  3. Toxic Overload - We are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year, but the worst offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, tap water, aspirin, and NSAIDs. I recommend buying a high-quality water filter to eliminate chlorine and fluoride and look to natural plant-based herbs to reduce inflammation in your body.

  4. Dysbiosis - Probiotic Bacterial Imbalance. So many things can cause damage to the normal “flora” which helps us in so many ways. Things like antibiotic overuse, chlorinated water, a diet high in sugar and animal protein, sulfates as well as abuse or overuse of non-steroidal meds are the main ones.

The good news is there’s a solution to having better gut health. There is a four-step process called "The 4 R's" that includes:

  1. REMOVE - Foods and factors that damage the gut. These include sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners, antibiotics, steroid medications, dairy, soy, GMO foods, alcohol, and additives/preservatives.

  2. REPLACE - with healing foods like bone broth, fermented veggies, coconut products, sprouted seeds, grass-fed meats, wild fatty fish like salmon or cod, steamed veggies, and of course, high fiber foods like lots of veggies.

  3. REPAIR - with specific supplements like probiotics, pre-biotics such as fiber (soluble and insoluble), digestive enzymes, L-glutamine, oil of oregano, quercetin, and collagen powder. 2 of my favorite products to help repair the gut are Colonix intestinal cleaner and GI Integrity by Nutri-Dyn.

  4. REBALANCE - with probiotics. Look for brand quality meaning choose reputable companies, high CFU (colony-forming units), and survivability (probiotics should never be heated and should be shipped cold). Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus bulgaris are just a few strains that should be included in a good probiotic. The probiotic that I take is called Ultra-Biotic Daily by Nutri-Dyn.

If you suffer from inflammatory issues, auto-immune issues, depression, energy issues, sleep issues, and of course, GI issues, look to your gut, as it is most likely the core of your problem.

Remember, it takes "GUTS" to be healthy. Do you have what it takes?

Yours in Great Health,






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Decreased neck and mid back pain, improved energy, improved brain fog, decrease in headaches, improved function of upper and lower digestive system, heartburn, and so much more!

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