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Principled chiropractic allows the body to heal itself

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Through a simple adjustment with the hands, we can “lift the branch off the power line,” so to speak, freeing up the signals to move on through, and allowing the current to flow from the brain to body at 100 percent capacity.

This natural flow allows the body to heal itself, restoring ease to muscles and organs without drugs, surgery, or any other invasive procedures.

Life just isn’t right if you’re subluxated. When you are subluxated, the power of life within you gets dropped. People all around us are dying from pressure on their necks. Their brain stems are being choked off.


The “current” cannot get through those power lines the way it is supposed to, and the lights are dimming, fading, and going out.

No one wants their power dropped. No one wants their baby’s power dropped. We want what is best for ourselves and our loved ones.

This is why principled chiropractors are so insanely passionate about what they do. By adjusting the atlas, we can literally remove pressure on your brain. What other profession can claim to do that? No one. No other process short of cutting a person open can physically affect the brain.

And we can do it with our bare hands, gently and painlessly, in a matter of seconds. The effects of the vertebral subluxation are provable based on millions of other cases where function and performance in the body have been restored following a chiropractic adjustment.







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The Power of Innate Intelligence

Hi [[leadFirstName]]

“As long as we are alive, we have innate intelligence in us.”

Chiropractic is based on the big ideas that the brain controls the body and the body can heal itself. Both of these processes occur innately.

Most processes in the human body are completely innate to us; when a baby is born, it knows how to breastfeed. It sometimes takes some practice to get it just right, but the baby knows what it’s supposed to be doing—it will suckle on anything that gets near it!


The newborn body knows how to take in sustenance, how to keep what it needs, and how to excrete what it doesn’t. Nobody has to teach a baby how to eat . . . or how to poop.

Nobody has to teach a baby’s body how to heal, either.

Of course, there are times when certain conditions within the body and limitations of matter require outside medical intervention, but if a baby gets a scratch, that scratch is going to heal on its own!

In chiropractic, we have a name for this: innate intelligence.







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Chiropractic First, Drugs Second, and Surgery Last

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Chiropractic offers much more than a solution to neck and back pain. In order to receive all the holistic benefits offered by proper spinal alignment, it’s important to view drugs and surgery as last resorts.

In order to improve musculoskeletal health, you must make the best choices when faced with acute and chronic pain.

The Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a research article that showed patients who regularly received chiropractic treatment experienced 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures compared to those who relied on conventional medicine.


Visiting a chiropractor before you turn to pain medications or spinal surgery can offer a holistic approach to pain or spinal misalignment. Around 58 percent of adults with back pain sought out medical treatment in 2017 for their pain, but relying on chiropractor treatment would allow:

  • Proper spinal alignment without recovery time
  • Holistic treatment, avoiding addicting drugs
  • Treatment that benefits the whole body, not just the pained area

Turning to chiropractic treatment also allows a patient to maintain their wellness with maintenance adjustments. Skip the reliance on dangerous drugs or the risks that inherently come with an invasive surgery and schedule a session with your trusted chiropractor.

To your health,






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What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do?

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

“So one of my vertebrae might be slightly misaligned, which might be putting a tiny bit of pressure on a few nerves. Big deal. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Maybe nothing. At first. But think about it in terms of your entire lifetime. Compound those effects.

Think of all the physical stress your body has been through in your life. All the times you fell on your ass as a baby. All those spills on the playground. All the hours spent playing sports or doing physical labor or even just sitting in an incorrect posture. All the times you slept in the wrong position and woke up with a stiff neck (which is not normal, by the way).


Many people have been subluxated since the day a doctor grabbed them by the head, twisted, wrenched, and pulled them into this world. The effects of a major subluxation may be obvious right away, but if it is not so major, it could take years for the manifestation to present itself.

Now, consider that human nerves are so sensitive that the weight of a dime is enough to disrupt nerve signals by up to 60 percent. When you do the research, you realize that a “tiny” amount of pressure on your nervous system is not so tiny.

When you go to a medical doctor’s office with a health issue, he or she looks for something external that is causing the internal problem—sometimes, anyway.

Most of the time, your medical doctor won’t even look for a cause. Nine times out of ten, they listen to your symptoms, enter them into a computer, and prescribe you whatever major medicine is currently being recommended for easing those symptoms.

On another day, in another office, you might get something else. You enter the office hoping to learn what’s wrong with you, and you leave with a drug and no greater understanding of why your symptoms are present in the first place. “Take two of these—and don’t call me in the morning.”

Welcome to health care in America.

When something goes wrong within the human body, why is it we automatically believe the correct solution is to introduce some foreign substance from outside?

You could take a drug to dull your pain, to compensate for a chemical imbalance, or to do any number of other things for any number of other reasons, but all you are really doing is spinning plates—doing your best to keep up with the symptoms of problems you can’t see.

You’re not correcting anything.

The goal of health shouldn’t be to just dull symptoms. Symptoms are there to tell us when something is wrong. They are communicating an underlying problem. Correcting the cause of the problem should be the goal of health care. More often than most people realize, the cause is pressure on the nervous system.

Is there a way to correct this underlying cause? Is there a practical way to remove pressure on the nervous system?

Yes. It’s called a chiropractic adjustment.

A chiropractic adjustment removes pressure on the nervous system and frees the nervous system to function as intended.







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The Secret Key to Human Health

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

If you're like most people, you're under the impression that 100 percent of your brain was encased in your skull, right?

But in reality, a vital portion of it is housed in your upper cervical spine, encircled by the atlas and the axis.

We could literally change the entire world if we could just help people understand the importance of the question, “How’s your atlas?”


The medulla oblongata is the part of the brain stem that serves as the connection between the brain and spinal cord. It controls your heart rate, breathing, and many other nervous system functions. It also happens to be partially encased within your atlas.

A subluxated atlas puts physical pressure on the medulla oblongata, which is just part of the reason the upper cervical region is so important.

When one of those little bones is out of alignment, even by millimeters, it puts pressure on the brain stem. That is devastating to your body—and your mind. In addition to all the potential problems caused by interfered nerve flow, we also know that pressure on the medulla insula can manifest in the form of mental illness.

The atlas is the niche that chiropractic serves. It is the source of what we do. You could be a skinny vegetarian in perfect health, but if this little bone is out of alignment a millimeter or more, you’re screwed.

Given everything we’ve covered so far, you can understand why chiropractors like me get upset when we get reduced to the status of neck pain doctors or “back crackers.”

Chiropractic is about life! Because it doesn’t matter if you’re an Olympic athlete in the best shape of your life. If your atlas is subluxated, you are actively dying.







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Kings Park Chiropractic

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Principled chiropractic allows the body to heal itself

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Through a simple adjustment with the hands, we can “lift the branch off the power line,” so to speak, freeing up the signals to move on through, and allowing the current to flow from the brain to body at 100 percent capacity.

This natural flow allows the body to heal itself, restoring ease to muscles and organs without drugs, surgery, or any other invasive procedures.

Life just isn’t right if you’re subluxated. When you are subluxated, the power of life within you gets dropped. People all around us are dying from pressure on their necks. Their brain stems are being choked off.


The “current” cannot get through those power lines the way it is supposed to, and the lights are dimming, fading, and going out.

No one wants their power dropped. No one wants their baby’s power dropped. We want what is best for ourselves and our loved ones.

This is why principled chiropractors are so insanely passionate about what they do. By adjusting the atlas, we can literally remove pressure on your brain. What other profession can claim to do that? No one. No other process short of cutting a person open can physically affect the brain.

And we can do it with our bare hands, gently and painlessly, in a matter of seconds. The effects of the vertebral subluxation are provable based on millions of other cases where function and performance in the body have been restored following a chiropractic adjustment.







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The Power of Innate Intelligence

Hi [[leadFirstName]]

“As long as we are alive, we have innate intelligence in us.”

Chiropractic is based on the big ideas that the brain controls the body and the body can heal itself. Both of these processes occur innately.

Most processes in the human body are completely innate to us; when a baby is born, it knows how to breastfeed. It sometimes takes some practice to get it just right, but the baby knows what it’s supposed to be doing—it will suckle on anything that gets near it!


The newborn body knows how to take in sustenance, how to keep what it needs, and how to excrete what it doesn’t. Nobody has to teach a baby how to eat . . . or how to poop.

Nobody has to teach a baby’s body how to heal, either.

Of course, there are times when certain conditions within the body and limitations of matter require outside medical intervention, but if a baby gets a scratch, that scratch is going to heal on its own!

In chiropractic, we have a name for this: innate intelligence.







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Chiropractic First, Drugs Second, and Surgery Last

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Chiropractic offers much more than a solution to neck and back pain. In order to receive all the holistic benefits offered by proper spinal alignment, it’s important to view drugs and surgery as last resorts.

In order to improve musculoskeletal health, you must make the best choices when faced with acute and chronic pain.

The Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a research article that showed patients who regularly received chiropractic treatment experienced 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures compared to those who relied on conventional medicine.


Visiting a chiropractor before you turn to pain medications or spinal surgery can offer a holistic approach to pain or spinal misalignment. Around 58 percent of adults with back pain sought out medical treatment in 2017 for their pain, but relying on chiropractor treatment would allow:

  • Proper spinal alignment without recovery time
  • Holistic treatment, avoiding addicting drugs
  • Treatment that benefits the whole body, not just the pained area

Turning to chiropractic treatment also allows a patient to maintain their wellness with maintenance adjustments. Skip the reliance on dangerous drugs or the risks that inherently come with an invasive surgery and schedule a session with your trusted chiropractor.

To your health,






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What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do?

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

“So one of my vertebrae might be slightly misaligned, which might be putting a tiny bit of pressure on a few nerves. Big deal. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Maybe nothing. At first. But think about it in terms of your entire lifetime. Compound those effects.

Think of all the physical stress your body has been through in your life. All the times you fell on your ass as a baby. All those spills on the playground. All the hours spent playing sports or doing physical labor or even just sitting in an incorrect posture. All the times you slept in the wrong position and woke up with a stiff neck (which is not normal, by the way).


Many people have been subluxated since the day a doctor grabbed them by the head, twisted, wrenched, and pulled them into this world. The effects of a major subluxation may be obvious right away, but if it is not so major, it could take years for the manifestation to present itself.

Now, consider that human nerves are so sensitive that the weight of a dime is enough to disrupt nerve signals by up to 60 percent. When you do the research, you realize that a “tiny” amount of pressure on your nervous system is not so tiny.

When you go to a medical doctor’s office with a health issue, he or she looks for something external that is causing the internal problem—sometimes, anyway.

Most of the time, your medical doctor won’t even look for a cause. Nine times out of ten, they listen to your symptoms, enter them into a computer, and prescribe you whatever major medicine is currently being recommended for easing those symptoms.

On another day, in another office, you might get something else. You enter the office hoping to learn what’s wrong with you, and you leave with a drug and no greater understanding of why your symptoms are present in the first place. “Take two of these—and don’t call me in the morning.”

Welcome to health care in America.

When something goes wrong within the human body, why is it we automatically believe the correct solution is to introduce some foreign substance from outside?

You could take a drug to dull your pain, to compensate for a chemical imbalance, or to do any number of other things for any number of other reasons, but all you are really doing is spinning plates—doing your best to keep up with the symptoms of problems you can’t see.

You’re not correcting anything.

The goal of health shouldn’t be to just dull symptoms. Symptoms are there to tell us when something is wrong. They are communicating an underlying problem. Correcting the cause of the problem should be the goal of health care. More often than most people realize, the cause is pressure on the nervous system.

Is there a way to correct this underlying cause? Is there a practical way to remove pressure on the nervous system?

Yes. It’s called a chiropractic adjustment.

A chiropractic adjustment removes pressure on the nervous system and frees the nervous system to function as intended.







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The Secret Key to Human Health

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

If you're like most people, you're under the impression that 100 percent of your brain was encased in your skull, right?

But in reality, a vital portion of it is housed in your upper cervical spine, encircled by the atlas and the axis.

We could literally change the entire world if we could just help people understand the importance of the question, “How’s your atlas?”


The medulla oblongata is the part of the brain stem that serves as the connection between the brain and spinal cord. It controls your heart rate, breathing, and many other nervous system functions. It also happens to be partially encased within your atlas.

A subluxated atlas puts physical pressure on the medulla oblongata, which is just part of the reason the upper cervical region is so important.

When one of those little bones is out of alignment, even by millimeters, it puts pressure on the brain stem. That is devastating to your body—and your mind. In addition to all the potential problems caused by interfered nerve flow, we also know that pressure on the medulla insula can manifest in the form of mental illness.

The atlas is the niche that chiropractic serves. It is the source of what we do. You could be a skinny vegetarian in perfect health, but if this little bone is out of alignment a millimeter or more, you’re screwed.

Given everything we’ve covered so far, you can understand why chiropractors like me get upset when we get reduced to the status of neck pain doctors or “back crackers.”

Chiropractic is about life! Because it doesn’t matter if you’re an Olympic athlete in the best shape of your life. If your atlas is subluxated, you are actively dying.







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