
With Over 200,000 Programs Sold, ChiroThin is the #1 Weight Loss Program Exclusively for Chiropractors!

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Top Weight Loss Myths, Debunked

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Can you believe that half of all Americans would like to lose weight?
While we all like to envision ourselves in our dream bodies, the unfortunate truth is that losing weight and keeping it off can seem like an impossible feat to many people. If you’ve tried and failed to meet your wellness goals in the past, then you may not know what else you can do.
There are all kinds of harmful weight loss myths that people believe. Keep reading to debunk these issues so you can gain so valuable insights on sustainable weight loss.

1. You Need to Cut a Lot of Calories

One of the worst diet myths out there is that you need to eat the bare minimum to stay healthy. Crash dieting does give quick results, but it puts our bodies into panic mode because they think we’re starving. This can damage your metabolism permanently and make losing weight in the future even more difficult.
It’s wise to start small and gradually decrease your caloric intake over time. You’ll be able to form good dietary habits and never feel deprived. This can help break the vicious yo-yo dieting cycle that so many others find themselves in.
You can now lose weight without cutting calories with the ChiroThin weight loss program in our clinic. Come in today to find out more!

2. Food and Exercise Are the Only Things That Matter

Your diet and exercise habits are crucial for maintaining your ideal weight. However, you can look elsewhere to supercharge your results. Why should you work harder when there are ways to work smarter?
If you follow the ChiroThin weight loss program, then you can get even better results by taking supplements that are designed to help you shed fat and feel incredible. The best part is that your progress will be monitored by a doctor to ensure you stay safe every step of the way.

3. Fat Loss Requires Hours in the Gym

Cardio and strength-training activities are essential for a long, happy life. Exercising can speed up your weight loss, but it’s still possible to shed pounds without lifting a finger as long as your diet is clean.
With this in mind, you should focus on exploring activities that can help you maintain an active lifestyle rather than prioritizing weight loss. Going on calming nature walks every day is much better for you rather than suffering in the gym three hours each day for a week and then quitting. When the goal is to create a holistic lifestyle, weight loss or maintaining your ideal weight are happy side effects.
You can now lose weight without hours at the gym with the ChiroThin weight loss program in our clinic. Come in today to find out more!

4. Calories Outweigh Nutrition

One of the most surprising weight loss facts is that calories aren’t the end all be all when it comes to weight loss. Even though the calories in calories out method has been drilled into our culture, you can’t afford to overlook the source of your calories.
There have been all kinds of wild fad diets like only eating cookies every day. While it is possible to lose weight on a junk food diet if you’re in a calorie deficit, you’ll be miserable the entire time and likely gain everything back after you stop. You need to give your body wholesome foods like whole grains, lean proteins, heart-healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and veggies so you can feel full.

5. Certain Foods Make You Fat

If you counted all of the nutrition myths out there, then there wouldn’t be a single food out there that’s “safe” to eat. Carbs, protein, and fat, have all earned a bad reputation and encouraged people to adopt an unhealthy relationship with food.
Once you remove the emotional associations with foods, you’ll be able to take on each meal in a productive way. Instead of cutting out carbs, you can make more mindful choices by swapping out white pasta for a whole grain kind.
You can now lose weight without cutting the foods you love with the ChiroThin weight loss program in our clinic. Come in today to find out more!

6. You Have to Say Goodbye to Your Favorite Treats

Lots of junk foods have a high amount of calories and minimal nutritional benefits, which is why the bulk of your diet should be whole foods instead. Striving for wellness instead of perfection can lower your risk of unhealthy behaviors like binging.
Don’t label any foods as off-limits because the temptation to overindulge will be strong. If you’re the type of person who has a hard time keeping certain foods in the house, then only buy single portions so you won’t go out of control.

7. Following Celebrities Will Give You the Best Results

Looking at transformation photos of our favorite celebrities can be inspiring, but it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all diet. What worked for one celebrity may even make you gain more weight if you force yourself to do things you hate.
Celebrities may not even follow the diets that they’re sharing because they could’ve been paid to promote them. Famous people have resources like personal trainers and chefs that you may not have access to. Team up with a doctor who can help you create a plan that’s tailored to your unique needs.

8. Losing Weight Is a Linear Process

It’s normal to feel discouraged on your weight loss journey at some point. You eat the right foods and get your exercise in but the scale won’t budge. Sometimes your weight could even go up depending on things like hormones or salt intake.
Whenever you hit a plateau, trust in the process and keep up the great work. You can even start eating to maintain rather than lose for a few weeks to give yourself a rest and make your body less likely to cling to your fat reserves.

9. Don’t Let These Weight Loss Myths Sabotage Your Results

With so many different weight loss myths out there, it can be difficult to keep the facts straight. After reading this guide, you have all of the tools you need to start getting incredible results.
Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier you? Come in today to find out more about our ChiroThin Weight Loss Program!

To your health,

Review and Send

New to Working Out? Try These Exercises for Beginners

Hi [[leadFirstName]],
Approximately 41.9% of Americans are obese, and many more are overweight. Unfortunately, losing weight isn’t always easy. It takes work, effort, and planning.
Do you want to lose weight? If so, you might need to make a few changes in your life, including your diet and physical activities. Changing these two areas can help you lose weight.
But, you’ll need to find the best workouts for beginners. Of course, exercising is essential, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Instead, it would be best if you started slowly.
Keep reading this guide if you’re ready to learn the best exercises to do as you begin working out to lose weight. 

Goals of Working Out

As you begin looking for a new workout routine, you’ll want to take it slowly. Additionally, you might want to consider your goals.
Many people choose to exercise to lose weight, while others do it to improve their health. You can determine your goals when starting. 
The second thing to consider is the recommended guidelines. For example, how much exercise should you do weekly? Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate workouts or 75 minutes of vigorous activities.
You might want to start by setting a small goal. For example, you could begin by setting a goal of 60 minutes per week. After reaching that goal, you could slowly increase the time, working up to the recommended timeframes.


One of the first exercises you could include in your plan is walking. Walking is a simple act you can do anywhere. For example, you could walk inside your house, around your neighborhood, or at a local park.
Walking is excellent for building muscles and losing weight. Additionally, it’s great for your heart health. 
When you initially begin, you might not be able to walk fast. But, you can increase your speed over time. Walking is best when you aim to walk briskly instead of slowly. 
If you build up the ability to walk briskly for 30 minutes at a time, you might be able to add some jogging into the mix. For example, you could jog for 30 seconds, walk for a few minutes, and then repeat. 

Stretching Exercises

An easy fitness program for beginners might also include stretching exercises. Stretching is vital for exercising, as it loosens the muscles, but it’s also good for other purposes.
Stretching helps you improve your range of motion if you have tightness anywhere in your body. It also requires physical movement, which means you can use it as a form of exercising.
You can stretch in many ways, but here are some simple ideas:
- Stand up and touch your toes
- Sit with legs spread and reach your toes
- Lean your neck forward and then back
- Lift your arms into the air and then down to the ground
- Lift your arm high to the right and then left 
These are just a few ideas to try. As you do them, you can move quickly, causing your heart rate to increase as you repeat them 10 to 20 times. 

Basic Exercises

Next, you can begin using some beginner types of exercises or starter workouts. Here are some basic exercises to include:


While there are many variations of lunges, you might try a forward lunge first. To do this, you stand up and move one leg forward. Then, you place the other knee near the floor and then stand back up. 
You can also do backward lunges, which involve moving one leg backwards instead of forwards. Lunges work out the legs and glutes primarily.


Another basic exercise is squats. To do these, you stand up with your foot slightly apart. Next, you bend your knees to lower your body. You can hold for a few seconds or straighten your legs out right away. 

Jumping Jacks

Most people are familiar with jumping jacks, and these are great exercises for beginners. A jumping jack requires spreading your legs and raising your arms up simultaneously.
If you can’t physically jump off the ground, you can still move your arms up while spreading your legs out one at a time. 


Next, you could try push-ups. You can do normal push-ups, which require standing on your hands and toes. You can use your knees instead if you can’t do these on your toes.

Dumbbells and Weights

Additionally, you can perform easy exercise routines while using dumbbells or other weights. For example, you could do squats while holding dumbbells.
Adding weights increases the vigor of your routine, which means you might see results faster. 

Focus on Other Aspects of Weight Loss

As you look for beginner exercise plans, you might also want to consider a few other vital aspects of working out and losing weight. The first is eating.
The food you eat affects many things, including your health and weight. Therefore, you’ll need to modify your diet if losing weight is your goal. You can look for a healthy eating plan for ideas.
Next, you’ll need to ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Most people underestimate the importance of sleep for weight loss. However, you should realize that sleep is vital
Sleep affects your body’s hormone levels, and these hormones control your appetite and moods, and other things.
Finally, you might want to look for ways to reduce stress. Stress tends to decrease a person’s motivation levels. You probably won’t want to work out if you’re not motivated.
But, you might feel like working out if you feel motivated and happy. Therefore, you may need to work on reducing stress if you want to lose weight.

Try Workouts for Beginners

If you’re not exercising at all, you might want to find workouts for beginners. You can begin by trying some of the ideas listed here, but you can also look online for ideas or seek professional help. 

Contact our office for a consultation or appointment.

To your health,

Review and Send


With Over 200,000 Programs Sold, ChiroThin is the #1 Weight Loss Program Exclusively for Chiropractors!

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By subscribing, you agree with Contente’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and understand that ChiroThin will receive your email address.

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***Free Trial: Your first 5 patients are free, then just $47 per scheduled appointment. NO subscriptions or contracts. Cancel anytime.***


Top Weight Loss Myths, Debunked

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Can you believe that half of all Americans would like to lose weight?
While we all like to envision ourselves in our dream bodies, the unfortunate truth is that losing weight and keeping it off can seem like an impossible feat to many people. If you’ve tried and failed to meet your wellness goals in the past, then you may not know what else you can do.
There are all kinds of harmful weight loss myths that people believe. Keep reading to debunk these issues so you can gain so valuable insights on sustainable weight loss.

1. You Need to Cut a Lot of Calories

One of the worst diet myths out there is that you need to eat the bare minimum to stay healthy. Crash dieting does give quick results, but it puts our bodies into panic mode because they think we’re starving. This can damage your metabolism permanently and make losing weight in the future even more difficult.
It’s wise to start small and gradually decrease your caloric intake over time. You’ll be able to form good dietary habits and never feel deprived. This can help break the vicious yo-yo dieting cycle that so many others find themselves in.
You can now lose weight without cutting calories with the ChiroThin weight loss program in our clinic. Come in today to find out more!

2. Food and Exercise Are the Only Things That Matter

Your diet and exercise habits are crucial for maintaining your ideal weight. However, you can look elsewhere to supercharge your results. Why should you work harder when there are ways to work smarter?
If you follow the ChiroThin weight loss program, then you can get even better results by taking supplements that are designed to help you shed fat and feel incredible. The best part is that your progress will be monitored by a doctor to ensure you stay safe every step of the way.

3. Fat Loss Requires Hours in the Gym

Cardio and strength-training activities are essential for a long, happy life. Exercising can speed up your weight loss, but it’s still possible to shed pounds without lifting a finger as long as your diet is clean.
With this in mind, you should focus on exploring activities that can help you maintain an active lifestyle rather than prioritizing weight loss. Going on calming nature walks every day is much better for you rather than suffering in the gym three hours each day for a week and then quitting. When the goal is to create a holistic lifestyle, weight loss or maintaining your ideal weight are happy side effects.
You can now lose weight without hours at the gym with the ChiroThin weight loss program in our clinic. Come in today to find out more!

4. Calories Outweigh Nutrition

One of the most surprising weight loss facts is that calories aren’t the end all be all when it comes to weight loss. Even though the calories in calories out method has been drilled into our culture, you can’t afford to overlook the source of your calories.
There have been all kinds of wild fad diets like only eating cookies every day. While it is possible to lose weight on a junk food diet if you’re in a calorie deficit, you’ll be miserable the entire time and likely gain everything back after you stop. You need to give your body wholesome foods like whole grains, lean proteins, heart-healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and veggies so you can feel full.

5. Certain Foods Make You Fat

If you counted all of the nutrition myths out there, then there wouldn’t be a single food out there that’s “safe” to eat. Carbs, protein, and fat, have all earned a bad reputation and encouraged people to adopt an unhealthy relationship with food.
Once you remove the emotional associations with foods, you’ll be able to take on each meal in a productive way. Instead of cutting out carbs, you can make more mindful choices by swapping out white pasta for a whole grain kind.
You can now lose weight without cutting the foods you love with the ChiroThin weight loss program in our clinic. Come in today to find out more!

6. You Have to Say Goodbye to Your Favorite Treats

Lots of junk foods have a high amount of calories and minimal nutritional benefits, which is why the bulk of your diet should be whole foods instead. Striving for wellness instead of perfection can lower your risk of unhealthy behaviors like binging.
Don’t label any foods as off-limits because the temptation to overindulge will be strong. If you’re the type of person who has a hard time keeping certain foods in the house, then only buy single portions so you won’t go out of control.

7. Following Celebrities Will Give You the Best Results

Looking at transformation photos of our favorite celebrities can be inspiring, but it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all diet. What worked for one celebrity may even make you gain more weight if you force yourself to do things you hate.
Celebrities may not even follow the diets that they’re sharing because they could’ve been paid to promote them. Famous people have resources like personal trainers and chefs that you may not have access to. Team up with a doctor who can help you create a plan that’s tailored to your unique needs.

8. Losing Weight Is a Linear Process

It’s normal to feel discouraged on your weight loss journey at some point. You eat the right foods and get your exercise in but the scale won’t budge. Sometimes your weight could even go up depending on things like hormones or salt intake.
Whenever you hit a plateau, trust in the process and keep up the great work. You can even start eating to maintain rather than lose for a few weeks to give yourself a rest and make your body less likely to cling to your fat reserves.

9. Don’t Let These Weight Loss Myths Sabotage Your Results

With so many different weight loss myths out there, it can be difficult to keep the facts straight. After reading this guide, you have all of the tools you need to start getting incredible results.
Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier you? Come in today to find out more about our ChiroThin Weight Loss Program!

To your health,

Review and Send

New to Working Out? Try These Exercises for Beginners

Hi [[leadFirstName]],
Approximately 41.9% of Americans are obese, and many more are overweight. Unfortunately, losing weight isn’t always easy. It takes work, effort, and planning.
Do you want to lose weight? If so, you might need to make a few changes in your life, including your diet and physical activities. Changing these two areas can help you lose weight.
But, you’ll need to find the best workouts for beginners. Of course, exercising is essential, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Instead, it would be best if you started slowly.
Keep reading this guide if you’re ready to learn the best exercises to do as you begin working out to lose weight. 

Goals of Working Out

As you begin looking for a new workout routine, you’ll want to take it slowly. Additionally, you might want to consider your goals.
Many people choose to exercise to lose weight, while others do it to improve their health. You can determine your goals when starting. 
The second thing to consider is the recommended guidelines. For example, how much exercise should you do weekly? Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate workouts or 75 minutes of vigorous activities.
You might want to start by setting a small goal. For example, you could begin by setting a goal of 60 minutes per week. After reaching that goal, you could slowly increase the time, working up to the recommended timeframes.


One of the first exercises you could include in your plan is walking. Walking is a simple act you can do anywhere. For example, you could walk inside your house, around your neighborhood, or at a local park.
Walking is excellent for building muscles and losing weight. Additionally, it’s great for your heart health. 
When you initially begin, you might not be able to walk fast. But, you can increase your speed over time. Walking is best when you aim to walk briskly instead of slowly. 
If you build up the ability to walk briskly for 30 minutes at a time, you might be able to add some jogging into the mix. For example, you could jog for 30 seconds, walk for a few minutes, and then repeat. 

Stretching Exercises

An easy fitness program for beginners might also include stretching exercises. Stretching is vital for exercising, as it loosens the muscles, but it’s also good for other purposes.
Stretching helps you improve your range of motion if you have tightness anywhere in your body. It also requires physical movement, which means you can use it as a form of exercising.
You can stretch in many ways, but here are some simple ideas:
- Stand up and touch your toes
- Sit with legs spread and reach your toes
- Lean your neck forward and then back
- Lift your arms into the air and then down to the ground
- Lift your arm high to the right and then left 
These are just a few ideas to try. As you do them, you can move quickly, causing your heart rate to increase as you repeat them 10 to 20 times. 

Basic Exercises

Next, you can begin using some beginner types of exercises or starter workouts. Here are some basic exercises to include:


While there are many variations of lunges, you might try a forward lunge first. To do this, you stand up and move one leg forward. Then, you place the other knee near the floor and then stand back up. 
You can also do backward lunges, which involve moving one leg backwards instead of forwards. Lunges work out the legs and glutes primarily.


Another basic exercise is squats. To do these, you stand up with your foot slightly apart. Next, you bend your knees to lower your body. You can hold for a few seconds or straighten your legs out right away. 

Jumping Jacks

Most people are familiar with jumping jacks, and these are great exercises for beginners. A jumping jack requires spreading your legs and raising your arms up simultaneously.
If you can’t physically jump off the ground, you can still move your arms up while spreading your legs out one at a time. 


Next, you could try push-ups. You can do normal push-ups, which require standing on your hands and toes. You can use your knees instead if you can’t do these on your toes.

Dumbbells and Weights

Additionally, you can perform easy exercise routines while using dumbbells or other weights. For example, you could do squats while holding dumbbells.
Adding weights increases the vigor of your routine, which means you might see results faster. 

Focus on Other Aspects of Weight Loss

As you look for beginner exercise plans, you might also want to consider a few other vital aspects of working out and losing weight. The first is eating.
The food you eat affects many things, including your health and weight. Therefore, you’ll need to modify your diet if losing weight is your goal. You can look for a healthy eating plan for ideas.
Next, you’ll need to ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Most people underestimate the importance of sleep for weight loss. However, you should realize that sleep is vital
Sleep affects your body’s hormone levels, and these hormones control your appetite and moods, and other things.
Finally, you might want to look for ways to reduce stress. Stress tends to decrease a person’s motivation levels. You probably won’t want to work out if you’re not motivated.
But, you might feel like working out if you feel motivated and happy. Therefore, you may need to work on reducing stress if you want to lose weight.

Try Workouts for Beginners

If you’re not exercising at all, you might want to find workouts for beginners. You can begin by trying some of the ideas listed here, but you can also look online for ideas or seek professional help. 

Contact our office for a consultation or appointment.

To your health,

Review and Send