Care of Life Chiropractic

The Chiropractress | Prenatal & Pediatric | Check out my breastfeeding courses 👉

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Don't shortcut your baby's development!

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

There is a gadget to make basically everything in parenthood easier, but easier isn’t always better.

There are swings, bouncers, super tight swaddles, boppy pillows, chairs, all-in-one car seat/strollers, devices to heat milk and make baby food, etc.

For busy parents— especially parents of more than one kid— these tools can be life savers. AND it’s also important to use them mindfully and with intention.

But, if a baby spends too much time in “containers” they are at risk for physical problems, and functional and developmental delays!

Life’s about balance! Use the tools that make your life smoother, but be sure to be aware of the effect OVERUSE can have ❤️

Your baby needs:
✨ Lots of tummy time!
✨ To be worn on mama or dad
✨ Unconfined time to roll and kick


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Where to start when going non-toxic

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Making the choice to live a non-toxic lifestyle can be completely overwhelming. Once you start learning about toxin exposure you realize it’s literally everywhere.

I’m talking we ingest enough plastic to make a credit card a WEEK.

The key is starting with the biggest priorities and then working down from there! Here three tips for how to prioritize your nontoxic swaps.

1. Start with what goes IN your body

Start by eating organic foods, remove processed foods or foods laden with pesticides and synthetic hormones.

2. Then focus on what goes ON your body

Your skincare routine could expose you to 135 toxins! Switch out your skincare and beauty products for clean, non toxic options.

3. Next, focus on what is AROUND your body

Your furniture, toys, household items likely are offgassing toxins into your home. Slowly start to replace those items with organic alternatives.

This is what have worked for me. Someone told me they went in the opposite order! Cool!

What works for you? Tell me what you prioritize and what do you let slide?

To your health,

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Care of Life Chiropractic

The Chiropractress | Prenatal & Pediatric | Check out my breastfeeding courses 👉

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✔️ Free to send emails, only pay when patients schedule an appointment

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***Free Trial: Your first 5 patients are free, then just $47 per scheduled appointment. NO subscriptions or contracts. Cancel anytime.***


Don't shortcut your baby's development!

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

There is a gadget to make basically everything in parenthood easier, but easier isn’t always better.

There are swings, bouncers, super tight swaddles, boppy pillows, chairs, all-in-one car seat/strollers, devices to heat milk and make baby food, etc.

For busy parents— especially parents of more than one kid— these tools can be life savers. AND it’s also important to use them mindfully and with intention.

But, if a baby spends too much time in “containers” they are at risk for physical problems, and functional and developmental delays!

Life’s about balance! Use the tools that make your life smoother, but be sure to be aware of the effect OVERUSE can have ❤️

Your baby needs:
✨ Lots of tummy time!
✨ To be worn on mama or dad
✨ Unconfined time to roll and kick


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Where to start when going non-toxic

Hi [[leadFirstName]],

Making the choice to live a non-toxic lifestyle can be completely overwhelming. Once you start learning about toxin exposure you realize it’s literally everywhere.

I’m talking we ingest enough plastic to make a credit card a WEEK.

The key is starting with the biggest priorities and then working down from there! Here three tips for how to prioritize your nontoxic swaps.

1. Start with what goes IN your body

Start by eating organic foods, remove processed foods or foods laden with pesticides and synthetic hormones.

2. Then focus on what goes ON your body

Your skincare routine could expose you to 135 toxins! Switch out your skincare and beauty products for clean, non toxic options.

3. Next, focus on what is AROUND your body

Your furniture, toys, household items likely are offgassing toxins into your home. Slowly start to replace those items with organic alternatives.

This is what have worked for me. Someone told me they went in the opposite order! Cool!

What works for you? Tell me what you prioritize and what do you let slide?

To your health,

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