Hi [[leadFirstName]],
It’s no surprise that with winter comes more colds + flu bugs BUT they just don’t magically appear when it gets cold outside!
With the winter months comes less sunshine, poor sleep, lack of movement, increased stress (hello, family holidays!), and sometimes even too many Christmas cookies. 🎄🍪
This decreases the body’s ability to adapt, and the immune system becomes less resilient. This leads to bodies that are more susceptible to all those cold and flu germs flying around. 🦠
During these winter months make sure to drink lots of water, take supplements to help support the immune system (vitamin D, C, zinc, and elderberry to name a few), get adjusted, and move yo’ body! 💃🏼
This allows the nervous system to do its job and fight will full force when these nasty bugs come around.
To your health,